Why Choose hup!

There are many reasons why hup! is the better way to build. Forget horror stories of lengthy builds, mess and disruption to your home, and budgets spiralling out of control - with hup! all of these are eliminated.

Hup ! brick slips

Terracota medium

London Weathered Yellow

Terracota medium


Terracota medium

Farmhouse Antique Blend

hup! mesh brick

Terracota medium

Normandy grey

Less mess, less disruption

What would take months to build with traditional methods will take weeks with hup!
Explore hup! technology

Less mess, less disruption

What would take months to build with traditional methods will take weeks with hup!
Explore hup! technology

Less mess, less disruption

What would take months to build with traditional methods will take weeks with hup!
Explore hup! technology